
Message from The Chairman

As India’s oldest and one of the largest mutual fund houses, we are immensely proud to extend our constant support towards the growth of this dynamic and vibrant marketplace. We believe that inspite of significant challenges in the global environment, India continues to remain resilient and is on its path to become one of the largest economies in the world.

Dear Stakeholders,

It has been encouraging to see India being resilient and demonstrating fortitude despite the challenging situations for the world economy. This can be directly correlated to the foundation that the Indian economy has built over the years. India has proven to be a beacon of light amidst the economies all around the world navigating variety of challenges.

As India’s oldest and one of the largest mutual fund houses, we are immensely proud to extend our constant support towards the growth of this dynamic and vibrant marketplace. We believe that inspite of significant challenges in the global environment, India continues to remain resilient and is on its path to become one of the largest economies in the world. And this will be possible through its limitless potential and prosperity driven by innovation, entrepreneurship and a steadfast commitment to progress.

Today, it is encouraging to see the growing inclination of Indian households towards actively participating in the dynamic financial markets. And with the expected growth of middle-class population in the near future, the investor participation in capital markets will only increase further.

Leveraging the opportunities of the industry, we take immense pride in the growth of our strong retail base and our successful presence in the B30 markets. This serves as a testament to our commitment towards empowering our investors and enabling them to make the most of the opportunities that the Indian markets offer. Our continued efforts to adapt and innovate attract significant strategic alliances while enhancing our digital prowess as a critical enabler of business growth.

Owing to the rising awareness of the broader impact of business activities in our society, we are also committed to integrating ESG factors in the investment decision-making process and other operations through our policy frameworks.

As I mentioned, India’s potential has captivated investors across the globe, who seek to participate in the country’s phenomenal growth story. This has created a vital opportunity for the financial services industry to drive its future in an accelerated and sustainable manner. During this journey, financial institutions in our country are well-positioned to provide the necessary support and infrastructure for businesses to thrive.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all our valued stakeholders. Your support to the Company has been invaluable. I would also like to convey my appreciation to our employees and I am extremely proud of the team that constantly strives to improve and add value.

As we look forward, we believe the Company’s three pillars – Conviction, Capabilities and Commitment – will continue to be the driving force behind our success. I am confident that a strong brand, our deep-rooted experiences and commitment to investors, will enable us to capitalise on the opportunities and continue to deliver long-term value for all our stakeholders.

I extend my best wishes to all of you and your families.

Warm regards,

Dinesh Kumar Mehrotra Chairman